The City of Caledonia Planning & Zoning Department is located in City Hall at 231 E. Main Street.  They are responsible for planning and zoning issues, review zoning requests and applications, building & construction permitting, and natural resource protection in the City of Caledonia. They regulate development, diversify the tax base, and allow for orderly and efficient growth.

Incentives for New Homes

The City of Caledonia currently offers incentives to build a new home in the community. The cost of a land use permit to build a new residential home is $100.00, and the water and sewer connection fees are $1,000.00 total. These rates are kept low to ease the burden of upfront costs for housing development and construction. If you have any questions about building a new home in Caledonia, please call our Public Works & Zoning Director Casey Klug at (507) 725-3462.

City of Caledonia Defective Sidewalk Replacement Program

The City values a safe, well-maintained network of public sidewalks. In an attempt to encourage property owners to replace defective sidewalks, the City offers a partial reimbursement for sidewalk replacement costs. All properties in the City are eligible. The additional terms of the program are as follows:

1)     The City will reimburse property owners 25% of the cost of labor and materials if the sidewalk is replaced by a contractor.

2)     The City will reimburse property owners 25% of the cost of materials (but not labor) if the property owner performs the work.

3)     The property owner must provide an invoice with the cost and total square footage of the sidewalk replaced. The maximum cost allowed per square foot is $7.00 for removal and replacement of sidewalk.

4)     The sidewalk must be located in the public right-of-way.

Contact Information